Jun 15, 2022Liked by Bryan Fischer

I've wondered about this often...from his chains and captivity Paul still served Christ and bore abundant fruit, albeit in hardship. IF Paul had taken the other road, would we still have his books? Would the church have been established in Rome? TRUE the Holy Spirit warned of chains and hardship, but the prophet who receives the Word of the Spirit interprets it according to what Father God has given HIM...I'M THINKING OF THE OLD TESTAMENT MAN OF GOD WHO TURNED ASIDE TO GO WITH AN OLDER 'PROPHET' DESPITE A CLEAR WARNING/INSTRUCTION FROM AN ANGEL (1 KINGS 13)... Paul knew very well how the Spirit was instructing him, and refused to be turned aside by others including prophets who spoke a discouraging word to him. The Apostle Paul nearly always had the foresight and the perspective of Almighty God, that the temporal is only temporary, but the Eternal is Father God's Dwelling Place and our ultimate hope despite Earthly tribulation. It may be that rather than this being a disobedient mistake, it was the Apostle Paul's greatest act of worship and the reason his works in honor of the Lord Christ have been preserved...in the light of his loving obedience to even a Word that was as threatening as walking the path to the cross can sometimes be. In our Sunday Bible study in heaven we will surely he given the answer to all these things! In the meantime, really good background info and thank you brother Bryan!

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